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2020 Painting of the Month Winners 
Each month artists may bring their framed paintings for Painting of the Month contest. 
During refreshments, the members present vote on the winner.
Asel Art Supply donates two prizes.  One each to 1st and 2nd place winners.  Bring your painting and join in the fun competition! 


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Ann Patton - 1st             Trish Poupard - 2nd


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A McGrew 2.jpg

Trish Poupard - 1st              Adela Mc - 2nd

March, April & May Painting of the Month contest did not take place due to the Coronavirus situation. 

So we decided to start having online competitions beginning in June, until we are able to meet again.


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Court Bailey - 1st                       Elaine Jary - 2nd


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Kathy Albright - 1st                       Gemma Haas - 2nd


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Janet Southern - 1st                       Katy Smith - 2nd


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Gemma Haas - 1st                          Tom Brown - 2nd


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Suzy "Pal" Powell - 1st                       Jane Strong - 2nd

© 2024 Society Watercolor Artists, Inc.

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